Monday, June 23, 2008

Reflections: Wang and Fang Study

This study investigated using technology in the foreign language classrooms in a cooperative learning model. Johnson and Johnson have advocated cooperative learning for many years, which the defined as "forming small groups to accomplish a common learning goals". I studied under an instructor (during my undergraduate years), who had studied under the Johnsons in the late 80’s. I was so enthralled with this type of learning model, that I have used it for many years. I like the idea of using it with technology, as we have done in our courses for e-learning.

The authors used the blogs as a way to combine technology with cooperative learning activities. It appeared (from survey results) that students enjoyed this type of learning and became more competent in self-directed learning as time went on. However, the study still found that face to face interaction was very important for promoting students’ learning. The authors felt that the teacher’s role for providing face to face interaction was very important.

One of the difficulties I had with this study was that it was done with a traditional classroom. I wondered if students would still desire more face to face contact if it was online course? But the study did get me thinking about how one could provide face to face interaction in an online course. If times were synchronized (say one hour per week) in which students interacted in discussion/project via video cam, would the students see this as face to face interaction? I suggest this, as I think I would like to try this for my online course in the fall.

I think the advantages of blogs first and foremost, are student ownership. I think in courses that require writing assignments, the blog can be used in many ways. Other areas as well could use them for displaying photos, audios,and links. I believe that this could be a great venue for peer assesment as well.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hi. When in doubt, take a dive. So here I am, up to my neck in water, but still breathing. I wanted to just write my first blog today and learn how to navigate this site. I am hoping to put several links in, as well. I am very happy to have this week to figure this all out. I really am hoping to incorporate student blogs into my online Career Seminar course. This will prove to be an exciting assignment, I am sure. Have a great day and happy bloggin.

Peace Moth

Peace Moth

Reflections on The Perfect E-Storm

What an interesting article. After reading the article, two things came to mind. The first thought focused on one of the technologies Bonk discussed, which was video papers. I was just making a comment the other day, as to whether or not universities were looking at the 'digital' thesis. This application could certainly alter the delivery style of papers, essays, etc... I see this technology booming at the secondary level. The students love to combine various media applications in their presentations. What a perfect activity for that non-linear reader:) This article referenced some great technologies for instructional resources. As teachers in this online series, we are fortunate to be exposed to some of these technologies that are out there.

The author also talked about how open source software will become more important in education arenas, especially if lack of funding is an issue. We all have seen how various technologies are soon replaced with something better and quicker. Its hard to keep up sometimes. I am not sure about the collegiate level, but at the k-12 level, if we want new technology, its either find a grant, find a hand-me-down, or dig deep in my own pockets. Thus, open source software is definitely important at my level.

Learner centered verses teacher centered

Result: Learner facilitated classroom.

This statement was listed in the teacher facilitated classroom:

"Assessment is used to monitor learning as well as promote and diagnose."

I feel that this statement can go on either side, depending on how you define the above statement.

P.S. My tag would not copy. It was cute, geometric and green.

My Interview from Chris Danula

I had the opportunity to interview Peggy via email. She is in her 25th year of teaching and is interested in learning the process for creating and teaching online. Currently she is doing an internship with a local Virtual high school in Minneapolis, MN. She is a teacher in the Twin Cities (Roseville) and teaches Career and Technology-Photography. In her spare time, Peggy runs a screenprinting and embroidery business, enjoys running and traveling.

(Chris Danula)